Yes, Minister/Yes, Prime Minister


Yes, Prime Minister: Season One

  • The Grand Design
    As Prime Minister, Jim's finger is on the nuclear button. Confused under some tough questioning, he comes up with a surprising Grand Design for defence
  • The Ministerial Broadcast
    As Jim is coached and groomed for a television discussion of his new defence policy, Sir Humphrey is more concerned with what he says than how he says it. In the T.V. studio scene, watch the camera-man, he never moves, and the producer, Godfrey is excellent.
  • The Smoke Screen
    When Jim decides to champion his Health Minister's plan to abolish smoking by excessive taxation (not a programme of mass hypnosis), a horrified Sir Humphrey calls in the tobacco lobby to prevent it. A pure farce at the end with people coming and going, if you can keep track of what's going on the you're a better man than I am.
  • The Key
    A territorial battle between Sir Humphrey and Dorothy Wainwright, the PM's political adviser, reminds Jim that his Cabinet Seceratary may have too much power. But Sir Humphrey is not about to have his wings clipped. A classic episode for Bernard, standi ng up to Sir Humphrey.
  • A Real Partnership
    A governmental financial crisis collides with plans for a civil service pay rise and Sir Humphrey has to summon all his prevaricating skills to get past a well informed PM, and score one over Sir Frank at the Treasury.
  • A Victory For Democracy
    Is the Foreign Office carrying out government policy or is the government there to carry out Foreign Office policy? Hacker is about to find out. Watch out for Luke, who went on to appear in The 10%ers by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor.
  • The Bishop's Gambit
    When a British Nurse is given ten years and 40 lashes for a trivial crime in a foreign country, the PM has to decide whether it's safer to be heartless or mindless, He also has to appoint a bishop to the Queen, a none-too-easy choice. In the episode, we discover what happens to Sir Humphrey after Season Two...I'll let you watch it to find out.
  • One Of Us
    While an old English sheepdog, trapped on the Ministry of Defence artillery range, is stealing the PM's headlines, MI5 is dropping a bombshell. The recently deceased Head of MI5 has been passing government secrets to Moscow - worse still, Sir Humphrey he aded the Commitee of Enquiry. Could it be time for Jim to give him gardening leave?