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usr local bin
Welcome to usr local bin, where you can get the latest GNOME software built for your SuSE Linux system. The packages available on this site are built on SuSE 8.1 i386, and are intended as updates to the GNOME installation included with that distribution version. They are not intended as updates to a SuSE system with Ximian GNOME installed. Ximian packages install software into different places to those built by SuSE, and so may not work with these packages. Many non gamstop casinos offer a wide variety of casino games and play slots. Players can enjoy attractive bonuses while knowing they can gamble safely on these reputable sites.
Please note that any software you download from this site are not official SuSE packages, nor can any guarantee of quality or safety be given, you use these packages at your own risk. All that can be assured is that the package builder is using any packages available here without problem.